Parent Forum

Our Parent Forum meetings help encourage parents to get more involved in school life at Coton Green. They’re informal meetings where parents come together to raise issues, be consulted on school policy and give their views.

Our aims in all Parent Forum meetings are for parents to:

  • Learn about our school community and parental perspectives, context and history
  • Raise school awareness of parental views
  • Consult on change, such as school improvement, projects, policy proposals and local issues in the school community
  • Gain support for school projects or goals

Meetings are held once every half term so that parental views can be taken into consideration when changes are made. Some changes are unavoidable and when this happens, the group discuss ways of keeping negative impact to a minimum.

All parents are welcome to attend our meetings.

Parent Forum 1- agenda- 13. 11. 23

Parent Forum 1- minutes- 13. 11. 23

Parent Forum 2- agenda- 10. 05. 24

Parent Forum 2- Minutes- 10. 05. 24