Our Coton Green Curriculum
The ATLP Curriculum Intent
Coton Green Primary School is a member of the Arthur Terry Learning Partnership MAT
(Multi-Academy Trust). School leaders across the partnership are working together to develop and embed an exciting, engaging curriculum constructed through four core principles:
- The growing understanding of cognitive science and its impact on pupil outcomes
- The importance of building and applying knowledge
- Collaborative resourcing and strategic planning to impact positively on teacher workload and well-being
- Addressing social disadvantage and ensuring equality across the MAT – cultural capital.
The purpose and ambition of The Arthur Terry Learning Partnership is to provide a high quality education that transforms the life chances of our students through a ‘knowledge-engaged’ curriculum. The ATLP curriculum enables children to think independently and contribute positively to our society and the wider world.

Coton Green Primary School Curriculum
Our curriculum has been designed as a spiral curriculum, with the following key principles in mind:

✓ Cyclical: Pupils return to the key knowledge and skills again and again during their time in primary school.
✓ Increasing depth: Each time a skill is revisited it is covered with greater complexity.
✓ Prior knowledge: Prior knowledge is utilised so pupils can build upon previous foundations, rather than
starting again.
This results in children knowing more, remembering more and doing more.
All subject leaders have identified ‘End Points’ which are the key objectives that we would like each child to have mastered before moving onto the next year group curriculum. Without mastering these End Points, the children may develop gaps in their learning.
Coton Green Intent, Implementation and Impact
We aim for all children at Coton Green Primary School to experience a broad and balanced curriculum which engages, excites and inspires them. Our curriculum is inclusive and is built upon our school ethos and British values.
We recognise that all children are unique and therefore our curriculum is designed to ensure that our pupils are presented with the right knowledge, skills and understanding to be successful learners. Our curriculum offers a wide range of enrichment experiences. We aspire for all children to leave Coton Green Primary School with the confidence, knowledge and skills to become successful and motivated lifelong learners, in order to play a full part as responsible citizens in the 2lst Century
What makes Coton Green’s curriculum unique?
The children are at the heart of our curriculum.
We believe that every child should have the opportunity to develop and build their self-esteem and self-confidence.
We encourage our children to have high aspirations and strive for the best. We want our children to be responsible and effective by the time they finish their journey at Coton Green Primary School.
- Each term, children at Coton Green Primary School are provided with breadth of experience through the teaching of all foundation subjects.
- Lessons are planned with clearly defined learning intentions, presented as questions, and are implemented through the delivery of high-quality learning experiences.
- Sequences of lessons are beginning to be planned on ‘Snapshots’ where the importance of prior knowledge is acknowledged and built on. ‘Snapshots’ ensure opportunities for retrieval.
- Units of learning are built upon on clear skills progressions alongside an understanding of our unique setting. Units have been designed by the subject leaders from Coton Green Primary School and experts from the wider ATLP partnership.
- Children’s knowledge, skills and understanding are assessed termly, allowing teachers, subject leaders and SLT to ensure that progression is clear and effective and the next steps are planned appropriately.
- The curriculum is enhanced through a variety of activities including educational visits, school performances, visitors to school, after school clubs and links with other schools.
- Children are given access to opportunities and experiences which will enable them to understand and appreciate the diversity of the world in which they live.
The curriculum at Coton Green Primary School ensures that children are at the heart of everything we do.
Children will:
· have high expectations of themselves
· have a sense of pride, belonging and identity within our school
· know that positive behaviour has positive outcomes
· be courteous and respectful and feel equal
· have ambition to be the best they can be
· gained experiences which enhance character and mould their future thinking
· see the value in challenge and relish the opportunities
· understand that we are a part of Britain and our shared values matter
· have parents that feel involved and included
· have made strong educational progress.
Assessments for learning are ongoing and enable adaptive teaching. They provide us with a clear snapshot of children’s progress and understanding. Formative assessments are used in every lesson to inform next steps in learning and ensure gaps are closed, and to check that learning has progressed to the long-term memory so that new learning can successfully take place. Teachers use spaced retrieval and low stakes quizzes to assess children’s knowledge and understanding. Knowledge organisers and thinking maps also play a key role in assessing sustained learning.
In some subjects, summative assessments are used in addition to formative assessments. These are used to inform the teacher of children’s knowledge and skills and to identify areas that need additional teaching.
The Subject Leader, the Curriculum Leader and other members of the Senior Leadership Team are responsible for the monitoring of the curriculum. The focus of each curriculum subject is outlined within each subjects’ Action Plan. Monitoring is done through pupil voice, scrutiny of pupil’s work, professional discussions with staff, learning walks and lesson observations. Feedback is given to develop practice and if needed, appropriate CPD will be delivered.
National Curriculum
Please click below to access the New National Curriculum. This document shows the content of the curriculum Coton Green Primary follows in each academic year for every subject.
Mrs J. Tanner
Curriculum Leader
Please use the menu on the right to look at our curriculum in more detail.