Supporting our Children’s Mental Health and Wellbeing

At Coton Green Primary Academy Wellbeing is a school priority. 

We believe that our children’s wellbeing is a key driver to them becoming successful learners. We recognise that sometimes life can be challenging for our children and their families and additional support may be needed. Therefore, we provide pastoral support to give our children the best possible chance of reaching their full potential and leading happy, healthy lives in which they thrive. We provide support to the whole family as we recognise this is a partnership and together we will ensure our children thrive.

Our team work to:

  • Support and meet the individual needs of all children to ensure they have the tools to succeed.
  • Support children’s social, mental, emotional and physical needs.
  • Support and work alongside parents and carers for the good of the whole family.
  • Prioritise those most in need of support but also ensure intervention for all who need some additional support. 
  • Provide appropriate support through working closely with outside/expert agencies where appropriate. 

As part of the Arthur Terry Learning Partnership our aim is to ensure that all children experience equityunderstandingbelonging, and love. 

We have a 3 step tiered approach to support this area through:

  1. Quality First Social and Emotional Learning Curriculum for all- PSHE Curriculum (Please see ‘Curriculum Tab’ for further information)
  2. Targeted support – From our dedicated pastoral team – Mrs. Pegg- Pastoral Lead, Mrs. Eccles- Deputy Headteacher and Mental Health Lead.
  3. Wider Strategies– These strategies include guiding additional targeted support in school, referrals to other professionals and specialists, signposting to information and organisations that can provide parents and carers with guidance and support.