Our Vision, Aims and Ethos

Our Vision:

At Coton Green Primary School, we aim to offer a stimulating and inspiring
learning environment, a broad, balanced curriculum and to aspire to the highest
standards. We aim to challenge and support all our children to achieve their potential and to develop the foundations of lifelong learning.

Our Aims:

  • Develop confident, disciplined and enquiring learners, able to make informed choices.
  • Foster a love of learning.
  • Raise levels of attainment for all pupils, enabling them to achieve their personal best.
  • Foster self-esteem and personal responsibility, linked to respect for the needs and feelings of others.
  • Promote considerate and positive relationships between all members of the school community.
  • Ensure equal opportunities in relation to gender, race, class, special needs and belief.
  • Value and respect all cultures.
  • Provide a safe and happy work-place.
  • Promote a thoughtful attitude towards the immediate and wider environment.

Our Ethos

Our ethos and atmosphere underpin the aims of the school. Teachers provide a broad and balanced curriculum, which develops the skills, concepts and knowledge necessary for lifelong learning. In the course of their daily work, the staff contribute to the development of this ethos through:

  • Providing an appropriate effective working environment at all times, in which each child can achieve his or her maximum potential.
  • Providing a welcoming environment, in which courtesy, kindness and respect are fostered.
  • Providing positive role models.
  • Providing a fair and disciplined environment, in line with the school’s Behaviour policy.
  • Developing links with the wider community.
  • Providing children with meaningful, purposeful tasks, related to the National Curriculum programmes of study and Early Learning Goals.
  • Valuing and celebrating pupil’s success and achievements.
  • Reviewing personal and professional development by providing appropriate INSET, training and support from colleagues in order to ensure a high level of professional expertise.