“Mathematics is not about numbers, equations, computations, or algorithms: it is about understanding” – William Paul Thurston

At Coton Green Primary School, maths is an inclusive and exciting subject where all children are able to succeed. Across school, in every classroom, maths is practical, visual and creative. Our aim is that every child leaves Coton Green a confident mathematician who cannot only solve calculations, but also explain, prove and reason within them.
Early Mathematics in the Early Years Foundation Stage
An engaging and encouraging climate for children’s early encounters with mathematics develops their confidence in their ability to understand and use maths.
At Coton Green Primary School, the children in EYFS experience rich learning opportunities which foster and develop mathematical thinking. Alongside this, they practise and develop fluency with basic number facts and learn about key mathematical code and representations such as numerals, signs and number sentences. This prepares them to continue their Maths learning in Key Stage 1.
Aligning with the experiential opportunities in EYFS, we use a mastery approach to teaching and learning in Maths to ensure that children develop deep and lasting understanding of mathematical procedures and concepts.
In EYFS, we teach Mastering Number which we compliment with our White Rose approach. Children are taught how the quantity of a number can be represented using a range of equipment and how the amount can be made in different ways. Children are taught how to explain their mathematical understanding and quickly grasp this skill, for example when answering, ‘How do you know that?’
Our children have lots of practical opportunities for counting objects, subitising, ordering numbers, adding and subtracting, doubling, sharing, investigating shape and patterns and using mathematical language. Skills are often further developed through wider curriculum activities; cooking, technology, craft activities which additionally support mathematical understanding.
Concrete, Pictorial and Abstract
When introducing concepts, children are given the opportunity to support their understanding using concrete manipulatives alongside pictorial models. These may also help the children to explain their reasoning and to apply their skills to problem solving.
Children learn to use a range of pictorial representations including part whole models, bar models, number lines, place value charts etc. Ultimately, we aim for children to be confident with independent use of abstract mathematical methods.
Mathematics in Years 1-6
We have adopted the ‘Maths Mastery Approach’ which is centered around ‘5 Big Ideas’ for success. Teaching for mastery is a transformational approach to teaching and learning where children are taught to solve problems, think logically and explain whilst become fluent in calculation and number facts.

This is a research-driven teaching and learning method that meets the goals of the National Curriculum.
What does it mean in practice? In summary, a mastery approach…
- Puts numbers first: Our schemes have number at their heart, because we believe confidence with numbers is the first step to competency in the curriculum as a whole.
- Puts depth before breadth: we reinforce knowledge again and again.
- Encourages collaboration: children can progress through the schemes as a group, supporting each other as they learn.
- Focuses on fluency, reasoning and problem solving: it gives children the skills they need to become competent mathematicians.
A Maths Mastery Curriculum is based upon small steps to learning. Day by day, children learn new content that consistently builds upon secure understanding from previously taught lessons. This sequencing is fundamental in ensuring all children achieve. To support new, and consolidate prior learning, a multitude of mathematical equipment is used in classrooms. Having this hands-on approach to mathematics means that abstract concepts can be understood and explained by children in a logical way.
To ensure the Maths Mastery Curriculum at Coton Green is consistent across all classrooms, White Rose Maths resources are used. These high quality resources ensure that the progressive sequencing of lessons are clear and consistent across school, and that the visual representations facilitate the children’s understanding. For more information regarding the resources used in school, please follow the links below.
To add fun, challenge and engagement whilst learning, we also use TTRockstars which is a multiplication app that helps develop quick recall of both times tables and related division facts. The children engage in individual sessions and also ‘Battles’ amongst their friends and classmates. For more information, please follow the link below:
The Mathematics Lead in school is Mrs K Lucas.
Year Group Overviews

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6