Headteacher’s Welcome

Welcome to the Coton Green Primary School website, which we hope will give you an insight into who we are. I hope that you will feel Coton Green Primary School is the school you wish to choose for your child. Children have just one childhood; we believe their primary school experience should be magical, filled with unforgettable learning experiences. We pride ourselves in being a happy, caring and successful school. Staff enjoy working here and children enjoy their learning.
My name is Mr Osborne and I am truly proud to be the Head teacher of this wonderful school. In my career, I have worked in several schools in West Midlands and Coton Green stands out for me as a family focussed school. Indeed, our motto is ‘A Learning Family’ and the culture and ethos here really does reflect this. We aspire for our children to have special memories of their time here at Coton Green and value highly the positive relationships we have built with parents and the local community, with a supportive and active PTFA and a successful parent workshop programme being examples of how we work together to enrich the children’s learning experiences.
Children get one chance with their education and at Coton Green we want this to be the best. Our children experience a broad and balanced curriculum and a wide range of varied learning opportunities. We ensure our curriculum is knowledge rich, sequential and prepares children for their next steps in learning. Above all else, we want children to feel that they are cared for, are healthy in mind, body and spirit and can succeed. It is our primary purpose to make every learner here the best they can possibly be. We are a forward-thinking school and are continually striving to provide the best possible education for the children in our care and give them the foundations for their life-long learning journey; to play a full and active part in the world they inherit.
We look forward to seeing them flourish within our secure and happy environment.
We know that learning should not be compartmentalised and strive to use real purpose for learning to inspire your child. It is important that children are acknowledged for their individuality and that this is celebrated. We want to ensure that we are constantly adapting to meet the needs of all of our learners in this exciting and ever-changing society.
In April 2020, we joined the Arthur Terry Learning Partnership, a group of schools that share the same ethos and work together to improve outcomes for the thousands of children across the trust.
More information on ATLP can be found here: https://atlp.org.uk/
We hope our website provides you with an insight into the opportunities offered at Coton Green Primary School. However, you are most welcome to visit our school and see for yourself. Please call the school office to arrange a convenient time. We also hold an Open Evening late in the Autumn Term and details of this are advertised on our website, through the Staffordshire County Council Admission materials and are available on request from the school office.
Mr R Osborne